Organizations We Support
The Long Shields Lion Guardians Lion Guardians is a conservation organization dedicated to finding and enacting long-term solutions for...
The Rhino Wars
My team and I are just back from the heart of where rhinos are being slaughtered on the boarder between Mozambique and Kruger Park. We...
Cecil Charity Safari January 2016 Report
Eleven of us hauled 800lbs of donations in the form of clothing and medical supplies up to the villages on the boarder of Hwange National...
Wildlife Conservation Links & News
Poison Takes Toll On Africa's Lions CBS 60 minutes – lion poisoning In the Clutches of Rhino Poachers Australia Bans Hunting 'Trophies'...
Greenland 2013: A Land of Contrasts
Greenland is the world’s largest island and mostly covered in ice. From New York we needed 5 flights and a helicopter to get us to the...
Summer 2012 Safari Recap
Hi Everybody, I am just back from six safaris through Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. We are all back safe and sound after having...